103 Brisbane Street Berwick VIC 3806

Audit Ready Approach

Prepare for submitting an application

We conduct a pre-application meeting with the Shareholders/Directors of the business to understand the inception of the RTO Business. We also explain the expectations of regulators from the RTO.

Before you submit an application for initial registration as a registered training organisation (RTO), you should have developed a thorough understanding of the national VET system (including training packages, the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and the VET Quality Framework).
Demonstrate Financial Viability

Our qualified accountants will not only complete your FVRA but will also

explain the financial viability of the business to you from the beginning. This will assist you to make informed decisions on the Capacity to apply for, Courses to select for your RTO and other major decisions in your registration process. When you apply to become an RTO, ASQA requires you to demonstrate financial viability by submitting the Financial viability risk assessment tool (xlsm). This tool requires you to provide information on your organisation’s financial viability, including your financial history and projections. You will need an accountant’s help to complete the tool. The process of completing the tool will also help you gain a realistic understanding of the financial requirements of becoming an RTO and provide you with an independent assessment of the sustainability of your proposed business.
Complete a self-assessment

We will not only assist you in completing the Self-assessment tools but will also walk you through each and every proposed process your dream RTO shall acquire as part of this process. We @SKG understand the challenges of the industry therefore we come up with solutions that are tailor-made to address the compliance as well as operational challenges of running the business.

ASQA requires you to complete and submit the Self-assessment for initial RTO registration in asqanet with your initial registration application. The self-assessment requires you to confirm your readiness to deliver quality training and assessment, and manage the recruitment, enrolment and support of students, through a series of questions against selected clauses of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. The self-assessment also requires the submission of evidence that will support the claims made.
Demonstrate people associated with your organisation are fit and proper

ASQA requires you to disclose people who are associated with the organisation applying for registration and ensure these people meet the fit and proper person requirements.

A fit and proper person declaration is a required attachment for all owners and some executive officers associated with your organisation. Refer to the Application guide—application for initial registration for guidance on when a fit and proper person declaration is required. If you submit an application for initial registration without the necessary fit and proper person declarations, your application will be considered incomplete.
Use asqanet to submit your application

All applications for initial registration should be submitted using the online registration service, asqanet.

Asqanet allows organisations to submit, manage and pay for their registration applications online. Once you have submitted your application through asqanet, you will receive an initial invoice for a lodgement Fee which will cover the initial processing and assessment of your application.

Financial viability risk assessment tool (xlsm)

Self-assessment for initial RTO registration (DOC) Fit and proper person requirements declaration (DOC) Application guide—application for initial registration (PDF) asqanet (ASQA’s online application and registration management system)

Thinking to register the RTO

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