66 Victor Crescent Narre Warren 3805

Renew Registration

Why do you have to renew registration

ASQA applies a registration expiry date to all RTOs. To continue offering training, you must apply to ASQA before your registration expires.

If you wish to renew RTO registration, you must apply to ASQA at least 90 days before your registration expiry date.
The national register, training.gov.au, publishes an expiry date on all provider profiles.

If you fail to submit a complete application at least 90 days before your expiry date, ASQA may not renew your registration.

Only RTOs that have conducted training and assessment during their current registration period are eligible for renewal.

How can we help

We can guide you through the re-registration process, making sure you are compliant to ASQA standards and helping prepare you for the coming audit. We provide compliance support and advice to your RTO on a regular basis and works side by side with your college to ensure that compliant systems are in place, and quality standards of training and assessment delivery are maintained.

Compliance cannot be achieved/ established overnight. Therefore, establishing the right systems from the very beggining is the strong foundation to maintain compliance. 

Next step is to make sure all your staff understand the implemented systems and follow the policies and procedures within your organisation. Regular staff meetings/ interaction PD and providing guidance and support to your staff is the only key to acheiev the same. 

We can conduct a complete review of you RTO practices and identify the gaps and work with your team from that point forward to fix any identified issues. 

ASQA requirements 

ASQA requires all registered training organisation renewal applications to be submitted 90 days before the registration expiry date.

Before submitting your application, you must be confident you can demonstrate that your RTO:
is meeting all obligations to learners and clients
has effective governance and administration arrangements in place
is delivering quality training and assessment outcomes that meet the needs of industry and learners
can comply with required standards, particularly if subject to a performance assessment (audit).

ASQA’s self-assessment tool can be useful for assessing compliance before applying for registration renewal.

Approaching Re-registration

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ASQA Website

ASQA Fee to Renew 

Refer ASQA Website

How will ASQA assess

Refer ASQA Website